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Eegyvudluk Pootoogook - Sans Titre - Collection Inuit

Eegyvudluk Pootoogook - Sans Titre - Collection Inuit

Regular price $250.00 CAD
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Eegyvudluk Pootoogook - Lithographie 16x22

Pootoogook faisait partie de la West Baffin Eskimo Co-operative, où il travaillait aux côtés de Iyola Kingwatsiak et Lukta Qiaqsuq. Il était l'un des imprimeurs éminents de Kinngait dans les années 1980 et sculptait également. Il était connu pour avoir essayé diverses techniques d'impression, y compris la linogravure, la lithographie, la gravure, la taille de pierre, la taille de pierre et le pochoir, le pochoir en peau de phoque, le pochoir et la sérigraphie et le pochoir. Ses œuvres représentaient fréquemment des animaux natifs du Nunavut, tels que les lièvres arctiques, les ours, les oies et les bœufs musqués. Il a également créé des images d'esprits marins.

Pootoogook was part of the West Baffin Eskimo Co-operative, where he worked alongside Iyola Kingwatsiak and Lukta Qiaqsuq. He was one of Kinngait's eminent printmakers of the 1980s, and sculpted as well. He was known to have tried a variety of printmaking techniques, including linocut, lithography, etching, stonecut, stonecut and stencil, sealskin stencil, stencil, and silkscreen and stencil. His works frequently depicted animals native to Nunavut, including Arctic hares, bears, geese, and muskox. He also created images of sea spirits.

Before his death in 1981, Kingmeata’s husband, Etidlooie Etidlooie, was a graphic and a print artist, a printmaker, sculptor, and painter in Cape Dorset. Their children, Etulu Etidlui, Omalluq Oshutsiaq, Pukaluk Etungat and Kellypalik Etidlooie, and their grandson, Pitseolak Oshutsiaq, are sculptors.



Hommage aux Premières Nations, aux Métis et aux Inuits du Canada qui ont subi de nombreux préjudices dans le cadre des politiques d’assimilation forcée du Canada.


Tribute to the First Nations, Métis and Inuit of Canada who have suffered numerous harms in the framework of Canada’s forced assimilation policies.

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